Weekly Schedule

to keep you on track

While the average day at Eretz is very full, don’t be intimidated! Some parts of the day will be familiar to you from high school, while other aspects will be new and exciting. We give you the freedom to build your own schedule so that you can plan a day you’ll enjoy and look forward to. Here’s general outline of what you can expect:


Shacharit starts at either 7:30 or 7:45. After a Dvar Torah from a member of the faculty, a cooked breakfast follows in the dining room.

We open every day of learning with an hour devoted to halacha and machshava topics that we’ve selected to help prepare you to embark on adult life, both in college and beyond. After that, the rest of the morning is devoted to gemara shiur and chavruta. 


After a break of an hour and a half, which includes lunch, we begin afternoon classes, which you choose from a range of options according to your interests. These cover Tanach, philosophy, history, practical halacha, ethics, and more.

The afternoon session is where you have the opportunity to build your own curriculum, moulding our program to your needs. If you want variety, you can sample all kinds of topics; if you strongly prefer one subject in particular, you can completely devote this part of the day to it.


Between afternoon and evening classes, you get a two-hour break. You can hang out, relax, or even head off-campus to meet friends.

The evening learning is the most different to what you may have done before. After dinner, the night program opens with Maariv at 7:50 and runs until 10:15. For this seder, we once again provide you with options: gemara, halacha, machshava, or Mishna. In addition, the night seder staff run a weekly informal gathering in small groups to discuss important issues, as well as other special programmes throughout the week such as niggun of the week and tischim.

A Typical Week

