Why Eretz?

It's not high school

It's so much more!

Empower and develop yourself

At Eretz, we empower you to develop your learning, observance, and beliefs. We expose you to the depth and breadth of different Torah disciplines so you can discover your interests and passions in all that Judaism has to offer. We encourage you to grapple with complex issues and support you with all the scholarship and experience at our disposal.

Serious Torah

for a complex world

Empower and develop yourself

We are unapologetically Modern Orthodox, preparing and subsequently expecting our students to fully integrate into the world of academia and the job market. We are proudly Zionist, pro-army and Aliya and a deep love of the Land of Israel underpins every facet of our programming and teaching.

Our Global Alumni

International Student body

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Sam Kerbel


I chose Eretz Hatzvi as it provided the best Torah environment whilst simultaneously ensuring that my year would be filled with great experiences. With people coming together from all over the world, it was a true opportunity to meet new people and form ever lasting connections. The appeal of Eretz was that they partner with Bnei Akiva’s program MTA, which enables us to have a structured program outside of the Yeshiva. Due to MTA being on a different schedule to the northern hemisphere, the Yeshiva is open for 2 additional months, accommodating to MTA and ensuring that our learning experience is capitalized. I most enjoyed the closeness of the Yeshiva. With there only being 70 talmidim, you form such strong amazing connections with the Rabbi’s as well as the other guys in the Yeshiva. I took away a vast variety of skills, however, the most valuable thing I learnt was a deep love for Torah. Since going to Eretz I actively seek out Torah learning opportunities, and that is all thanks to the amazing faculty at Eretz Hatzvi.
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Benjy Greenstein


Eretz really appealed to me because of the diverse range of topics it offers to all students to learn. From Tanakh and Gemara to Rambam and Halacha, the ability to have such a large choice of learning subjects caught my attention and did not disappoint. I absolutely loved my year at Eretz. The staff are so fantastic, with some of the best Rabbis in the world, I learned so much. My time at Eretz definitely taught me how much I like to sit down and learn. My lunch breaks always ended up with me eating as quickly as I could to go back to the Beit Midrash to continue learning on my own time.
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Gabi Lotzoff


Eretz HaTzvi appealed to me the most out of all the possible Yeshivot as it offered an interesting and broad range of Shiurim with a focus on diverse sections of Jewish study. Allowing me to focus on a those topics that spoke to me the most being a combination of Gemera, Tanach and Machshava. The dedication is the Rabbanim to their study and the care with which they teach has remained a constant source of inspiration for me when continuing my learning after Yeshiva. The ability to have one on one Chabrutot with Rabanim during breaks really enabled me to make more progress in my learning and I will never forget the interesting and intense conversations we shared during those sessions.
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Gav Labe

Cape Town

I chose to come to Eretz because, as an unexperienced learner, I wanted to ensure that I had a wide range of Torah that I was learning, not only Gemara but Tanach, Machshava, and Tefilla. I liked the atmosphere, and align with the driving values of the Yeshiva. I enjoyed being in Jerusalem, but mostly gaining tools to make Jewish Learning my own. I feel that Eretz instilled within me a passion for truth searching, and authentic living which has led me ever since. I also enjoyed that it is a relatively small Yeshiva, which means a close relationship with the exceptional Rabbis and Madrichim that can often be lost in bigger Yeshivot, connections which still enrich my life in Israel.
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Yoni Davis


I came to Israel with very little Torah background, and to be honest, quite an apprehensive approach to yeshiva in general. I visited Eretz because of a freind's recommendation and what sold me was the special mix of down-to-Earth Rabbis and teachers, and depth of Torah learning that I had never experienced before. Above all, Eretz made me independent and confident in my Judaism. By towing the delicate line between encouraging their students to reach their potential and allowing space for us to grow on our own, Eretz created a strong Torah foundation for me, which has proven invaluable for my life outside of the yeshiva walls.
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Raphael Kastner


I applied to Eretz because I liked the appeal of it being a partner with Bnei Akiva Torani and MTA so I would be with friends from home and that everyone would have similar values and experiences. I also liked how eretz didn’t just emphasise learning Gemara but focused on a broad range of different subjects like Tanach and philosophy. Looking back on my time at Eretz, I gained a love of learning Torah and a desire to bring it into my life. Eretz also fuelled my love for Eretz Yisrael with exploring the country and has only furthered my desire to make aliya once I finish my degree. Finally, I gained some of my closest friends from my time at Eretz. Even though we all live on different continents across the world, we’re still very close.
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Sam Stonefield


Eretz appealed to me because it allows students to really learn how to learn. I love eretz for its range of learning and the range of opinions of the rabbis. It is a place where the staff really invest personally in each student. I can now say that many of my best and good friends are people who I met in yeshiva. Yeshiva is a very important part of my life and has given me knowledge and skills and a love for Torah that I will have with me, please God, for the rest of my life.
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Ben Voignac


1) Many factors guided me to Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi, if I had to choose one, it would be the Jewish philosophy background of many of the Rabbanim and their knowledge in Jewish thought which really helped expand my knowledge a lot. 2) I benefited a lot from the wide spread of knowledge I got at Eretz, I learned from many different Rabbanim and on all kind of topics. I could access so many areas that I had never encountered. I also took away from my year at Eretz a deep connection to the Holy land that became stronger and stronger throughout the year.
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Avi Leiner


I was sold when I saw the schedule of eretz. The variety of shirurim was amazing. Having the personal connection with the entire staff makes you feel so welcome and able to ask anything to everyone. What I took away from eretz was the love of learning Torah. I got taught the tools how to learn, but for me the biggest was the love to learn.
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Liron Kremer


I chose to go to Eretz Hatzvi because I wanted to expand my jewish learning skills and knowledge and a big range of topics such as gmara, tanach, musar… are being taught there. Additonally I wanted to be in a zionist modern orthodox yeshiva and eretz hatzvi suited this hashkafa really well. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Eretz Hatzvi because it felt like a welcoming home. The warmth from the Rabbanim, Talmidim, madrichim, created a positive atmosphere that made each day special. As a result, I formed incredible friendships spanning across the globe, from Australia and Los Angeles to Brooklyn, Miami, Amsterdam, and Antwerp. Moreover, I cultivated meaningful relationships with my Rabbanim and acquired a solid foundational knowledge of Torah that serves as a platform for continuous personal growth.
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Shimmy Kandel

Los Angeles

I chose to study at Eretz Hatzvi because I wanted an intellectual, textual and skills based approach to learning. In addition, I also wanted exposure to an international contingent of talmidim. To this day, I am still friends with guys from Australia and South Africa. I enjoyed the rigorous learning. I also loved the guys in the yeshiva - many became lifelong friends. What I took away from yeshiva was an ingrained pursuit of lifelong study.
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Elijah Bowers

San Diego

I chose to come to Eretz HaTzvi as I was interested in meeting Jews from a wide range of areas around the world, ensuring that I would not be locked into a monolithic culture. I also liked the central location in Jerusalem which allowed me to easily meet up with people during my year. What I really liked about Eretz was the staff’s willingness to reach out and connect with every student. There wasn’t a specific member whose job it was to fill that role but they all prioritised their connection to each and every student. What I’ll take away from Eretz is a desire to connect my Judaism to all parts of my life.
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Elie Gelman


I decided to come to Eretz Hatzvi because I was looking for a place where my questions about Judaism would be heard. I didn't connect well with some of my Judaic teachers in high school and I was hoping to find role models in Yeshiva that I would look up to. Also, coming from a small school in Houston, I wanted to develop new friendships that would hopefully last for years. ⁠I most enjoyed learning with Rav Berman and Rav Pflanzer, and the the tiyulim. They each took the time to get to know me and together we figured out how to maximize my learning experience. I think a big take away from my year in Yeshiva has been that Judaism is not a ""cookie cutter sport."" Every one needs to find their own path that connects them to Torah and Mitzvot. This has been a message that I took with me as I began my university studies.
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Nate Linsider


I chose to go to Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi because I was looking for a Yeshiva in Yerushalayim. At the time it helped that Eretz Hatzvi was located in the center of Yerushalayim. Eretz Hatzvi was a place where I could learn not only Gemara but Mishnah and other subjects that were not necessarily taught at other yeshivot. The chevrah at Eretz Hatzvi was a fantastic group that I was very happy to have around me. Eretz Hatzvi also gave me the opportunity to learn subjects which have helped me further my Jewish life, such as learning in depth subjects such as Kashrut, how to properly be the gabbai of a minyan and it also gave me the opportunity to further my education of being a chazan. This was on top of furthering my education in Gemara and Mishnah.
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Daniel Ohana


I think the aspect of Eretz that most appealed to me and attracted me to Eretz was the environment that the Yeshiva creates. There is an understanding that each student has their own goal for growth and Eretz creates an environment that opens possibilities for and supports each student’s growth, on an individual basis. What I enjoyed most about being at Eretz for the year was the learning, in the Yeshiva and out, about Torah and the world, and about myself. I really had the experience to learn about who I was and wanted to be, how I connect with Judaism and how I want to live my life. The learning that I did at Eretz has been fundamental to how I view the world and my place in it.
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Andrew Galitzer


I chose Eretz because of its focus on the individual. I loved being able to choose my own schedule and pick out my own classes/topics. I also chose it because of the incredible guys that go, from around the world. I most enjoyed the relationships I made with the Rabbeim and my Chavrutot. I’m still close with so many of them and even had my Eretz Rabbeim help me edit Torah Comics (foreword by Rav Alex Israel).
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Ilan Blumenthal


I chose to come to Eretz because of the ability to study more than just Gemara. Going into Yeshiva, I was not a huge fan of gemara, so I was looking for somewhere that would allow to explore Jewish learning outside of Gemara. I most enjoyed the environment and the learning that was at Eretz. I took away a love for Gemara. Additionally, I gained the confidence and ability to give my own shiurim.
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Jarrett Lazarus

New Jersey

Choosing Eretz was a gratifying decision primarily due to its multi-cultural environment. This setting not only provided me with friends from diverse backgrounds but also allowed me to delve into and learn about their unique communities. The smaller size of the yeshiva contributed to forming closer friendships, fostering an atmosphere where everyone got to know one another. Additionally, the allure of a large campus added to the overall appeal. Being at Eretz for the year, what I enjoyed the most was forging lasting connections with my rabbis. The personal bonds formed were a highlight of my experience, enriching both my spiritual and personal growth. Moreover, the unique aspect of Eretz's lunch experience resonated with me profoundly. The variety of options and diverse sides that provided an extra layer of enjoyment to my time at Eretz.
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Isaac Chabot


I chose to come to Eretz based on its collection of students from all parts of the planet. I thought it would be an enriching experience to learn about how Judaism is practiced in so many different ways and locations. Aside from that, the campus is beautiful and the bet midrash was home to hundreds of students at any given moment. ⁠I most enjoyed the environment and the rabbis I learned from during the year. I felt like the year was curated around my needs and it allowed the students to reach their maximum potential’s. I took away many new skills which I apply to learning everyday, and a renewed look on Judaism.
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Joshua Samuels


I chose to go to Eretz because they offered a style of learning different than the classic text-based approach. They took a philosophical approach to Torah learning in a way that allows each student to use sources paired with their critical thinking skills to dissect and interpret each passage in a variety of ways. The skills I developed from this method of teaching have allowed me to succeed in my post-yeshiva secular studies while at the same time maintaining a strong connection to Judaism. My favorite part of Eretz was definitely the dynamic between all the students. It is a smaller yeshiva so there are fewer students, but the smaller group allows everyone to form close bonds with each other. Even 2 years after leaving Eretz I've maintained lasting friendships with other students all around the world.

Our Global Alumni

International Student body

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