
supporting young Jewish lone soldiers

Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi’s Beis2Base program supports young Jewish lone soldiers both before and throughout their military service. Throughout the time that the soldiers spend with us, we try to provide love, support and training which will help them mentally, spiritually and physically.

Dedicated in loving memory of Sgt. Major Sammy Harari

Pre Army Stage

Preparing You Spiritually, Mentally, and Practically for the IDF


Lessons with the best army oriented staff out there (Rav Rimon wrote the most popular army preparation halachic book)

Mental Resilience

Building your values, fostering personal growth, and managing extreme situations

Life in the IDF

Crash course on life in the IDF: Pre-built classic Q&A, Army Slang and more

Yeshiva life

The heart of our program

Navigation Course

Lessons with the best army oriented staff out there (Rav Rimon wrote the most popular army preparation halachic book)

Halachic Prep

Learn about the different halachic challenges in the army and how best to overcome them

Army Stage

Comprehensive Support for Every Step of Your Army Journey

Financial Assistance

Investment guidance

Home Away From Base

Fully equipped apartment with a washing machine, bed, furniture, and more

Halachic Guidance

Access to yeshiva faculty, learning tips and study days back at Eretz HaTzvi

Emotional Support

Emotional support & guidance

In Honour Of

Sgt. Major Shmuel Harari hy"d

Sgt. Major Shmuel Harari hy"d (1989 to 2024)

Sgt. Major Shmuel Harari hy”d was the Eretz Ha Tzvi Madrich in 5772.

He fell in battle defending Eretz Yisrael and Medinat Israel during Milchemet Charvot Barzel on the 25th of Tishrei, 5785.


More about Sammy

