Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi’s Beis2Base program supports young Jewish lone soldiers both before and throughout their military service. Throughout the time that the soldiers spend with us, we try to provide love, support and training which will help them mentally, spiritually and physically.
Sgt. Major Shmuel Harari hy”d was the Eretz Ha Tzvi Madrich in 5772.
He fell in battle defending Eretz Yisrael and Medinat Israel during Milchemet Charvot Barzel on the 25th of Tishrei, 5785.
I went to Eretz without knowing anybody. I was the only student from Flatbush going my year (which was unusual), and I was obviously anxious about it. When we arrived in Ben Gurion, however, I was pleasantly surprised to see Sammy. We both grew up praying in the same shul in Brooklyn. It turns out I did know someone at Eretz, it just wasn’t another student.
Sammy was like an older brother to me throughout the year. He helped me get acclimated in the beginning of the year. He took me to the hospital when my foot was infected after Yam LeYam. We had a havrutah twice a week during night seder. We spoke about the dates he went on, especially the dates with Anna. I remember all of us dancing with him outside by the basketball hoop when he got engaged, and a few of us were even able to attend his wedding the next year when we were visiting. Sammy was always there for me whenever I needed him throughout the year, and I’ll always be grateful for that.
Tehiyeh Zikhro Barukh
Sammy Harari was my madrich for my year. He was one of the sweetest most genuine kind guys. We used to call him Sammy Davis junior junior. He always smiled, and used to tell us that the israeli tomatoes were the most delicious because they grow sweeter in harsher environments and it was a great metaphor. Truly everybody loved him. What a loss. Such a special person. BDE
I’m so sorry for your unimaginable loss. Sammy was so universally beloved, genuine, sweet, smart, caring, kind. May his memory be a blessing. There are truly no words to convey the sadness and loss of Sammy. He will be remembered fondly
Sammy and I had a weekly Chevruta together. These learning sessions often involved us talking about life and our respective journeys. We came from the same community and we talked all about our similar upbringing. I had such admiration for him for making aliya. One year after yeshiva, I was in Israel visiting and he reached out to me inviting me to his wedding. I asked if I can bring a friend, and naturally he said yes. The wedding was beautiful. It was such a celebration of joy. I’ll always remember Sammy with that smile on his face.
I am so sorry for your loss. Sammy was an inspiration to many Syrians and others who want to follow their hearts and make Aliya. Sammy and I had a weekly Chevruta together in Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi in 2011-2012. These learning sessions often involved us talking about life and our respective journeys. We came from the same community and we talked all about our similar upbringing. I had such admiration for him for making aliya. One year after yeshiva, I was in Israel visiting and he reached out to me inviting me to his wedding. I asked if I can bring a friend, and naturally he said yes. The wedding was beautiful. It was such a celebration of joy. I’ll always remember Sammy with that smile on his face.
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